Points of interest

Points of interest
  1. Launch / Ground Communications
    1. Cost, Reusability
    2. Manufacturing improvements
    3. Antennas, Arrays
    4. Communications networks
  2. Orbits 
    1. VLEO, LEO, MEO, GEO, SSO, Polar, HEO, GTO
    2. Space Stations
    3. Observation Satellites, SAR, ISAT
    4. Energy
    5. Communications & Data transmission
    6. Data transmission
    7. In Space Servicing (IST)
    8. Space Weapons / Counter-space 
  3. Planets / Moons
    1. Moon
    2. Mercury
    3. Mars (Phobas) 
    4. Europa
    5. Jupiter 
    6. Asteroid Belt
  4. Lagrange Points
    1. Earth Moon / Earth Sun Lagrange points 
    2. Use of L4/L5 for Factories in Space
    3. Sunshade / Utility Scale Solar
    4. Regolith Dust Cloud
  5. Deep Space Exploration


Sunshade at L1